Aftermarket ASP.NET MVC - Part 4 - Routing and URL Generation
First published on January 13, 2016This is part 4 of a multi-part series on “fixing” some of the inherit design problems with ASP.NET MVC.
- Part 1 - Introduction
- Part 2 - The View Engine
- Part 3 - View Model Conventions
- Part 4 - Routing and URL Generation
- Part 5 - Feature Folders
- Part 6 - ActionResults and Content Negotiation
Update 2016-02-18: I’ve also setup a repository on GitHub that includes many of these experiments and implementations.
A common theme of this series is derived from the following quote I once read (but can no longer attribute):
Don’t let your routing solution dictate how to organize your code.
In essence, don’t name your controllers and actions based on what your URLs to look like.
ASP.NET MVC is built upon System.Web.Routing
, a powerful HttpModule and abstraction that maps a request (by matching URL, HTTP method, and other headers) to instances of an IRouteHandler
. Effectively System.Web.Mvc
is just that.
Among the many poor defaults and other conventions established in ASP.NET MVC is the “default route” code that you usually find in the baked-in project template that almost everyone uses:
new { controller = "Home",
action = "Index",
id = "" }
As we know this establishes the convention of a controller and action name defining the mapped URL. And, like many of these conventions, it is directly “borrowed” from Rails. We even have the silly notion of a “Home” and “Index” which I sort of consider “legacy” HTTP terms.
In the early days of ASP.NET MVC you sort of had to follow this convention because it was a pain to otherwise map URLs. But eventually we saw several open source projects attempt to fix that. My favorite was AttributeRouting: you use simple attributes on your classes and methods to define the URL, or define your own conventions, and the framework wires it all up. You get a really good programming model and good decoupling of code and URL paths.
In fact this library was so good, and popular, that Microsoft effectively re-implemented parts of AttributeRouting; baking it right into the framework!
But there’s a sad post-script: they only implemented a fraction of AttributeRouting’s extensive list of features. And they did so in a way that you can’t really use AttributeRouting as-is in ASP.NET MVC 5. And the project is now pretty much abandoned.
Tip: Use Attribute-Based Routing, Exclusively.
While I definitely recommend using attribute-based routing exclusively, there are some things to watch out for especially as you start adding a lot of mapped routes. I recommend reading about some of the performance issues that can pop up. Here is a good in-depth article that talks about it:
And don’t name your routes. Yes, it will greatly speed up URL generation. But unless you have a relatively simple application that doesn’t change frequently, you’re going to have to maintain both those names and their usage.
Tip: Avoid String Constants for URL Generation
I really dislike that most of the UrlHelper
methods require strings for controller and action names. I encourage the use of Microsoft.Web.Mvc
, which includes a special class called ExpressionHelper
that can generate a URL string from a lambda expression referencing a controller class and action method. And so that I don’t need to pollute my project with namespace references, I created a small set of extension methods to abstract away that mess:
Code that needs to generate a URL is now quite clean. It’s easier to refactor and to find references via static analysis.
var link
= this.GetURL<SomeController>(c => c.SomeAction(params...));
Be warned that you do pay a small performance penalty with ExpressionHelper
. Your mileage may vary. So do your own testing and performance profiling!
You can also take a look at T4MVC. This takes a different approach that utilizes T4 text templates to generate constants and static helper methods based on your project and source code. I have used this extensively in the past which great success. It’s fast because you’re using constants. But it’s a bit intrusive since it requires changing your controller methods to be virtual and creates messy overloads (not to mention the whole code-gen part that some people dislike).
Experimental Idea Ahead
An approach that I’m beginning to experiment with falls somewhere in between full-on expressions and static helpers. This article on Delegate-based strongly-typed URL generation in ASP.NET MVC shows how we can use an action method delegate to generate route values (action name, parameters, etc.).
But since action methods are instance methods, this approach requires a controller instance. Which, as the article explains, can get tricky if we want an action delegate for a controller other than the one currently executing. It’s not too hard to get a “dummy”, or “uninitialized”, instance like this:
public static T InstanceOf<T>() where T : ControllerBase
return System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type);
One could even borrow from the concepts of T4MVC and automatically generate a static helper class with these “uninitialized” controller instances cached for URL generation. But so far any API I’ve created feels too messy compared to a lambda expression or T4MVC’s overrides.
More experimentation is needed.
Tip: Avoid Areas
You can almost think of an area as a little MVC application embedded into another. It adds a new route value for matching named “area”. Often by convention the area name is simply another part of the URL path that precedes everything else. The built-in view engines and controller factory are also aware of areas, so you end up with self-contained “Controllers/” and “Views/” namespaces/folders under the area.
But it’s the completely wrong approach to modularity.
In a future article I plan on discussing some alternatives that actually make sense.
Further Reading and References
- Optimizing ASP.NET MVC3 Routing
- Why ASP.NET MVC Routing Sucks - (Note that I don’t agree with all of Max’s conclusions)
- Delegate-based strongly-typed URL generation in ASP.NET MVC
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